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My child has always loved playing her instrument. When selecting classes for high school it was always a want of having band in her schedule. She can express herself, enjoy a passion she has of playing the flute, and loves the connections she has made. Being part of the fine arts family has allowed her to explore new avenues of music and the opportunities fine arts has to offer. Most importantly, the friendships and connections she has made is irreplaceable. 


—  Patti Hair

Want to join band, choir, or a music class?

Contact the music teacher at your school today!

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History & Philosophy

The Round Lake Music has developed a proud tradition of excellence for quite some time now. Members of this organization, assume the responsibility of continuing this proud tradition, which has been established by others that have come before us through dedication, devotion, and hard work. The Round Lake Music program is dedicated to providing educational opportunities for its students in the performing arts. All educational activities will take place in an atmosphere which promotes social and artistic development of the students through creative and innovative programs, each based upon high quality leadership and instruction. In addition, it is our belief that "the process is just as important as the product." This places the emphasis on the development and growth of each individual student, not on specific performances.

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